Sensory writing is a great way to introduce and practice handwriting skills with toddlers and preschoolers! This snow-inspired writing activity allows kids to use their fingers to copy the snowman flashcard’s letter into the shaving cream. This lets little hands practice fine motor coordination and planning without the frustration of holding a writing tool. It is also forgiving and fun to erase which leads to less time spent being upset over mistakes.

The options for this activity are limitless and can be tailored to each child’s skills: younger kids can practice precursors for letter writing such as circles, lines, and simple shapes. Older kids can write sight or spelling words. For my preschooler, I wrote the alphabet on snowman flashcards and we practiced naming and writing each letter as we flipped them over!
All you will need for this sensory writing activity is shaving cream (I prefer using cheap shaving foam) and a mat or other wipeable surface to write on. You can also use paintbrushes or popsicle sticks if you want to add a tool.
For a super quick clean up, try it during bath or shower time!

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