Halloween Slime Recipe

Halloween Slime Recipe

Make your own spooky spider Halloween slime with your kids this fall. Slime only requires a few ingredients and provides hours of playtime fun! This fun ooey-gooey concoction is perfect for brewing up some October sensory play together. Take a look at the video, grab the ingredients, and try out the recipe below! Save or Pin the graphic below to save the recipe for later! https://www.tiktok.com/@jess_grant/video/6878811897064459526?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6946947231560861189 I love to make slime ...


Fall Sensory Bin

Fall Sensory Bin

A simple fall sensory bin inspired by the beautiful colors of the season. My kids could spend every crisp fall day on nature walks, collecting and exploring leaves and acorns. I put together this fall sensory bin for when the weather is not quite as cooperative and keeps us indoors. My kids of all ages play in sensory bins as they develop their own way to learn. ...


Back to School Clothes for Little Girls

Back to School Clothes for Little Girls

Here I am, 30-something years old, and still looking forward to Back to School clothes & supplies shopping! I was so excited to plan a day out with my big first grader as we get her ready to go back to school! She'll be back in person this year and her closet definitely needs a refresh after a year of at home learning. I planned a Mommy & ...


Back To School Scaries & How to Ease First Day Jitters

Back To School Scaries & How to Ease First Day Jitters

It's August; cue the Back to School Scaries. Along with the excitement of a new school year comes changes to normal routine and the build-up of anticipation anxiety. If you didn't know, before becoming a mom, I was a preschool teacher, so I have experienced a whole lot of first days and seen the range of emotion kids go through! Whether it is starting a new school, ...


Every Slime Recipe You’ll Ever Need

Every Slime Recipe You’ll Ever Need

Are you wondering how to make slime? Slime only requires a few ingredients and provides hours of playtime fun! Hit save now because this is the only slime recipe guide you'll ever need! Slime is soaring in popularity; from preschoolers to high schoolers, kids of all ages love slime! While you can purchase the ooey-gooey concoction in many stores, it can also be made at home by following ...


Favorite Kids Backpacks for Girls in 2021

Favorite Kids Backpacks for Girls in 2021

Harper is jumping back into first grade in person this year and- a girl after my own heart- she is so excited for Back to School shopping! I always do a little browsing beforehand to give us a head start with some choices that I think she'll like. Here are my favorite kids backpacks for girls this school year! My picks are full of bright colors, magical prints, ...


Outdoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids

One of our favorite activities to do together is taking my little ones on an outdoor scavenger hunt. It's something that I can do with 3 kids of various ages; Josie stays content in the stroller or Ergo while the big kids work on finding everything on their lists. I have noticed that adding a task like this keeps them engaged with their surroundings and typically means we ...


Paper Plate Craft for Kids: Emoji Masks

Paper Plate Craft for Kids: Emoji Masks

The often exaggerated emotions of an emoji make them a fun way to visualize and discuss feelings with children. And, let's be honest, their cute little dramatic yellow faces oftentimes match the big feelings of my own children 😆which I think makes them even more relatable! This paper plate craft for kids is a fun invitation-to-create where children can either recreate their favorite emoji or come up with ...


First Birthday Gift Ideas

First Birthday Gift Ideas

Be sure to hit the pin button to save these first birthday gift ideas for later! This guide is full of First Birthday Gift Ideas made up of tried and true one-year-old favorites in our house as well as some new items that I found this year that I knew Josie would enjoy opening on her first birthday! Unicorn 3-in-One: Well I think this is just about the cutest ...


Lego Storage Ideas for Kits

Lego Storage Ideas for Kits

I think every parent (justifiably) has a love / hate relationship with Legos. Especially the idea of trying to figure out Lego storage ideas. On one hand, the building kits entertain my kids for HOURS and I love them from a STEM perspective. But then there is the anxiety of kits getting mixed up, pieces lost, and -collective groan- stepped on. So when Harper and Ethan got ...


Spring Sensory Bin- Mess Free Garden Dirt Dig

Spring Sensory Bin- Mess Free Garden Dirt Dig

If there's one place I know I can find my kids in the spring, it's elbows deep in the dirt in our backyard garden. I'm talking full on showers every time they come inside. So a few years ago I started making them an indoor garden spring sensory bin; it's a perfect solution for those days when the weather isn't the best (which let's face it, in Northeast ...


Flower Craft for Kids – Celery Stamp Roses

Flower Craft for Kids – Celery Stamp Roses

Here's an easy kids flower craft you can do at home with some leftover kitchen scraps! It turns out that the bottom of a celery stalk makes a perfect rose. All you have to do is make an even cut a few inches from the head (bottom) of the celery stalk to remove the leafy branches and you're left with a cute flower stamp! Dip it in one ...
