Crafts & Activities

Playdough Valentine DIY

Playdough Valentine DIY

We have always celebrated Valentine's Day with homemade gifts. I like to keep it simple with something like a handmade heart card (that I usually stay up way too late crafting with doilies, stickers, the whole 9 yards 😅). Last year, I also made the kids a set of melted crayon hearts. This year, I'm giving them an "XOXO Dough" playdough valentine! You can find my favorite homemade ...


Build a Snowman Sticky Window

Build a Snowman Sticky Window

During the winter months I frequently draw inspiration from our favorite cold weather activities and find a way to bring them inside for endless (and warmer) toddler and preschool activities. Your kiddo can build their own snowman over and over (and over!) again with this sticky window snowman activity! For this winter activity, you will need clear contact paper, painter's tape, paper plates, and construction paper. Cut ...


Snow Sensory Writing

Snow Sensory Writing

Sensory writing is a great way to introduce and practice handwriting skills with toddlers and preschoolers! This snow-inspired writing activity allows kids to use their fingers to copy the snowman flashcard's letter into the shaving cream. This lets little hands practice fine motor coordination and planning without the frustration of holding a writing tool. It is also forgiving and fun to erase which leads to less time spent ...


Paper Doll Fall Leaf Craft

Paper Doll Fall Leaf Craft

Fall in Ohio sure is showing off this year! We've had absolutely beautiful weather and the most stunning foliage painting our entire neighborhood. Inspired by nature and the beauty around us, I created a simple paper doll fall leaf craft by using a gorgeous variety of leaves that we collected during a nature walk to dress up our paper doll drawings in gorgeous outfits! As you can see, ...


Remote Learning School Supplies Storage Kit

Remote Learning School Supplies Storage Kit

Like almost everything else this year, getting ready to go back to school in 2020 feels kind of wild. We aren't browsing the Target school supply aisles with a Starbucks in hand. There's no new backpacks or school clothes. Instead we're searching for sold-out desks and comfy child-sized loungewear. We're brushing up on our own study skills as we get ready to take part in our kids' schooling ...


Paper Roll Firework Craft

Paper Roll Firework Craft

I love this firework craft that I shared last year on Instagram so much that I want to reshare it here. It is such a fun and simple 4th of July activity that kids of all ages will love! Given the Coronavirus hoarding, I know you all have plenty of toilet paper rolls stashed around your house; here's the perfect way to use them this July! We used ...


Marble Rolling Easter Egg Art

Marble Rolling Easter Egg Art

As an allergy family, we usually avoid having real eggs in the house, meaning we have to get extra creative around Easter time. Making pretty paper Easter eggs with paint-covered marbles is a fun alternative to traditional egg decorating- or just a fun art project leading up to Easter. It's such a simple craft that it's perfect for toddlers all the way up to school-aged children! I ...


Spring Garden Sensory Bin

Spring Garden Sensory Bin

After a long winter, as soon as my kids finally hear that it is "SPRING!", they have visions of flowers and gardening and sunny bike rides. Welp, not quite yet, guys. If your weather is anything like ours, Spring brings it's fair share of rainy and dreary days before finally brightening up. So while we wait on brighter days ahead, I came up with this Spring Garden ...


Explain Germs to Kids: A Hands-On Activity

Explain Germs to Kids: A Hands-On Activity

Germs! They're everywhere, especially when you have young children. As the Coronavirus continues to spread, I find myself trying to explain what exactly is going on to my kids. Why school is closed, why I am constantly reminding them to wash their hands/keep their fingers off their face/cover their mouth/insert all the other gross things preschoolers do. I have found some fantastic resources, such as this one put ...


Melted Crayon Valentine Hearts

Melted Crayon Valentine Hearts

Happy February! Let's start LOVE month with a simply bright and colorful Valentine's Day DIY ! One of my goals this January was to clean out the depths of our cabinets throughout the house. The craft closet was an absolute disaster gold mine of broken and lost crayons in just about every container I came across. Instead of tossing them, I put them aside to make these melted ...


Snow Day with Snow Dough!

Snow Day with Snow Dough!

Along with the excitement of a snow day comes the bubble-bursting possibility that it's just TOO COLD to actually go outside. Or maybe you don't even have snow and just want to create some winter magic. Snow dough is a fun sensory activity that lets your kids experience wintery fun in the comfort of your cozy home! It is SO EASY and only requires two ingredients (but ...


Marshmallow Snowman Craft

Marshmallow Snowman Craft

Does anyone else feel like January is 34325245 days long? The holiday rush is over, the cabin fever is setting in. This is the time of the year that I really find myself aiming to add more structured activities to our lives. It creates a much smoother and more pleasant day! If you're in the same boat - uh, sled? - your kids (and you!) will love ...
