Free Printable: Ready Confetti Notes – Tap Here!

Flashback to a year ago; ’twas the night before Kindergarten and I remember the excitement of Ethan digging through his “Welcome” bag to find the envelope marked “Do not Open Until the Night Before School”. A shiny little plastic baggie filled with confetti and a note from his new teacher fell out and as I read it to him, I could see that he was ready to burst. So many new feelings about school and this cute little poem of origins unknown (but from a quick google search, popular with teachers everywhere!) seemed to touch on each one. The magic of kindergarten is that putting a bag of Ready Confetti under your pillow really does make everything better 😉
Now that he’s headed to first grade, I wanted to recreate that magic for my kids (and yours, too!) by putting together our own Ready Confetti. All you need is a pinch of confetti (cut up paper, glitter, whatever!) I used this Alphabet Soup confetti from Bash Boutique. Add it to a bag- I used these , but you could also just grab a plastic sandwich baggie from the pantry or a treat bag. Print out the poem and tie on with a ribbon (ruler ribbon linked here!).
Extra special idea: This would be a super cute gift to wrap up with some back to school jammies or a special book for bedtime!
Happy First Day of School!

Back To School Scaries & How to Ease First Day Jitters

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