One of our favorite activities to do together is taking my little ones on an outdoor scavenger hunt. It’s something that I can do with 3 kids of various ages; Josie stays content in the stroller or Ergo while the big kids work on finding everything on their lists. I have noticed that adding a task like this keeps them engaged with their surroundings and typically means we stay outside and active for longer. It is a favorite for all seasons and something that can be repeated over and over, resulting in a different adventure every time!
Today I’m sharing two of our favorite types of outside adventures: an egg carton nature hunt and an “I spy” style neighborhood scavenger hunt. Free scavenger hunt printables for each are available below or if you’re feeling artsy you can easily make your own using some of the examples provided!

Nature Scavenger Hunt

One of my favorite “mom hacks” is an egg carton nature scavenger hunt for kids! If your children are anything like mine, everything becomes a treasure along a walk outside; they are beyond thrilled to make a little treasure box to collect all their finds! Simply use an empty egg carton to create compartments for their precious finds to be stored. Label each spot with the name or picture of a small nature item that the kids can look for along the way and add to their carton.
Here is a nature hunt list of ideas to get you started!
- Twig
- Smooth rock
- Bumpy rock
- Flower
- Dirt
- Green leaf
- Acorn
- Clover

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt
An “I spy” style search is a fun way to explore your community. My kids love when our neighborhood walks have an objective like a scavenger hunt. Create a list or picture collage of items you may (or may not!) see in your neighborhood. Go for a walk and try to find as many items on your list as you can! Here are some thought starters:
- Stop sign
- Mailbox
- 3 birds
- Red car
- Letters of the alphabet
- A bike
- Dog walker
- Garbage truck
- Yellow house
- Something blue

Ready for your own adventure? Print both scavenger hunts for kids now!

Favorite Finds for Little Explorers
Although you don’t need anything for these outside adventures, my kids always pile on their mini explorer accessories. Here are a few of our favorite items to take along with us:
Click affiliate link below to view more colors & shop:
Bug Catching Kit | Binoculars | Collection Bag | Baby Carrier | Boots | Insta-camera | Digital Camera

Looking for even more ideas? Check out some fun indoor and outdoor scavenger hunts that I recently shared on the Zulily blog!
Enjoy your adventure! As always, tag me in your fun on Instagram !

What do you think?