Halloween Class Treat – Pretzel Witch Broom Snack Bags

Halloween Class Treat – Pretzel Witch Broom Snack Bags

A Halloween class treat that is both cute and so easy to make! My elementary kids love to take in Halloween class gifts like these pretzel witch broom snack bags to pass out at their class party. Find links to everything you need and the directions to make these class treats below! Make this class treat by putting a handful of pretzels into a cellophane bag. Straighten all the ...


Halloween Snacks for Kids

Halloween Snacks for Kids

I recently put together a snack board that included a variety of easy Halloween snacks for kids! These homemade Halloween treats are all so easy to put together and such a cute and spooky snack idea this fall for Halloween party food or just an after school snack. Here's how to put together your own : First, though, you have to grab this skeleton coffin serving board - ...


Pokémon Birthday Party

Pokémon Birthday Party

This year, my 7-year-old son's Pokémon obsession inspired me to throw a Pokémon birthday party. Join me as I share all the details and tips from our Pokémon celebration! Admittedly, my Pokémon knowledge is limited; but with its colorful characters and exciting adventures, I love the way Pokémon ignites his imagination. I wanted to bring those elements into the party! VIEW the POST


2023 Favorite Halloween Finds!
Back To School Party

Back To School Party

Crossing another celebration off our to-do list! We always start the school year off with a back to school breakfast party. Here are all the details from this year, including links if any of my ideas have inspired you to throw your own back to school bash! VIEW the POST


Back to School Ready Confetti

Back to School Ready Confetti

Free Printable: Ready Confetti Notes - Tap Here! Flashback to a year ago; 'twas the night before Kindergarten and I remember the excitement of Ethan digging through his "Welcome" bag to find the envelope marked "Do not Open Until the Night Before School". A shiny little plastic baggie filled with confetti and a note from his new teacher fell out and as I read it to him, I ...


School Supplies & Organization

School Supplies & Organization

Here is the amazing organizer pouch I found for the kids this year! Available in 6 colors . Tap product image to shop! I've linked the rest of our favorite school supplies below! Just click the product photo to shop!! *affiliate links [not pictured: Shape Erasers- Walmart dollar section / Paper Clips - Dollar Tree] The bottomless pits of traditional supply boxes weren't working out for my kids so I ...


DIY Fairy Garden Planter

DIY Fairy Garden Planter

Make a magical fairy garden! 🧚🏻‍♀️✨🏠 I picked up this pretty planter to create a whimsical little world for outdoor imaginative play that’s perfect to keep on a patio or picnic table ⤵️ I linked things on my blog if you’d like to make your own! We filled the bottom with a layer of bark mulch -or sticks- and added a layer soil. Next, you’ll need a fairy house ...


The Choose-A-Chore Chart My Kids Love!

The Choose-A-Chore Chart My Kids Love!

I'm not sure about you, but screen time is a constant struggle around here. I fall kind of into the middle ground: I'm not staunchly opposed to letting the kids play on the iPad or a few levels of Mario, but I also don't want them living -or begging- for it. I might put on a movie or tv series for them to watch during rest time in ...


Summer Baskets!
Sesame Street Birthday Party

Sesame Street Birthday Party

Check out Josie's Sesame Street Birthday: brought to you by the Letter J and the Number 3! I'm excited to share with you all the details of Josie's Sesame Street themed birthday party! From vibrantly colorful and whimsical decorations to interactive games and, of course, plenty of chocolate chip cookies. Let's jump into the joyful atmosphere of a Sesame Street soirée! Every year, my kids always look forward to choosing ...


Fingerprint Art: Flower Pot Kids Craft

Fingerprint Art: Flower Pot Kids Craft

Are you looking for a fun and easy craft activity to do with your kids this spring? This simple and creative fingerprint art activity is perfect for kids of all ages and allows them to use their imagination and creativity to create a unique and beautiful flower pot that they can be proud of. Continue reading below for instructions to make them with your kids! Since we ...
