One of the main reasons I wanted to start this blog was to have somewhere that I could document more of the kids growing up. So here we are in February and I’m making my first pregnancy post… clearly this is going exactly as planned 🤣Early on, I was excited for this pregnancy to span the holidays (yum!), but the truth is I think all the festivities made this pregnancy fly by even faster and now I’m kind of wishing for everything to slooooow down because I have a feeling that reality is going to catch up with us in, oh, say, about 14 weeks . I’ve felt like I have had no time to even think about being pregnant, yet the last 26 weeks have flown by!

In all honesty, this third pregnancy has been the hardest. Maybe that’s just my mom goggles forgetting the aches and pains of the past two, but I don’t remember being sick for nearly as long and still just kind of dragging along at this point. We aren’t finding out the baby’s sex, which inevitably always leads to the question of whether it feels more like a boy or girl pregnancy. In that regards, it definitely feels more like Harper – feeling drab, eating all the carbs, acne like whoa, and a major sweet tooth. FUN TIMES. That said, baby’s movements are getting stronger and I’m just so grateful everyday that we get to experience this miracle again. My favorite time of day with this new little one is in the evening; the house is finally quiet and I can put my feet up and relax and finally be present to all the movement happening in there. Judging by baby’s bumps and nudges I feel all night long, he or she is going to be quite the night owl and I’m pretty sure our nightly rendezvous will continue well beyond these 40 weeks.
I’m still feeling like I’m toeing the line of actually looking pregnant and like I just ate too many all of the cookies – which to be fair, I have. I have hit the second trimester weight gain HARD these last few weeks and feel like it’s settling everywhere besides the bump. Thankfully, having done this two times prior, I know that it will come right back off so I’m trying to not dwell on the 20+ pounds that the ob/gyn scale proudly displays every few weeks and just enjoy this time. I’ve been living in favorite early pregnancy transitional clothes: leggings, oversized cardis, and non-maternity tee dresses (and looooving this winter pregnancy for allowing me to layer on all the cozy clothes).
As we get closer to my third tri, I’m finding myself being more intentional with the time I spend with the big kids. A little Valentine’s Day baking – mommy & me matching outfits optional, though highly recommended!- was just what we needed (and my sweet tooth thanked me!)

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March 26, 2020Love the website– very individual pleasant and lots to see!