HI !! And welcome to my WEBSITE (what??!) My name is Jessica and 2019 is my year to make things happen. Even if we are cruising into the second half of 2019 at this point. Still going to make it happen…! Fun fact: I’ve had the intention of starting a blog for about 10 years (and I’m feeling
I have in fact started a few blogs over the years: one for our family to follow along when we moved out of state, again when we moved out of state (for the second time) and bought our first house to document some of our weekend warrior DIY projects and activities from my preschool classroom, and finally one when we moved back home to Ohio and started a family because I thought it would be a great way to keep up with my quickly growing little life. Turns out, in hindsight, I really wish I would have kept up with ANY of them because I’ve learned that time moves soo quickly and I sadly feel like there is so much I don’t remember about that part of our life – especially since becoming a mom- what a brain-zap!

So a few years ago, my “in-between” became my Instagram account, @jessicagrant14; at that time I couldn’t even handle the mere thought of the pressure or time constraint of maintaining a full blog, but I could still take a quick photo and document what we were up to. It became my baby book, my diary, and my sounding board. Somewhere along the line, snapping photos turned into a passion that fueled both my stalled creativity and my need-to-document-everything soul. Within that platform, I found a community of other women that I could relate to and gain inspiration, perspective, and a true village.
I slowly began sharing more and more- about life, photography, home, family, and myself- and in the back of my mind I kept returning to the feeling that I needed to create a larger space to dump all my “things”. So here we are!
The name behind the blog is two-fold. Meaning a space for myself and everyone else that comes along with me (my circus and all of its monkeys, if you will). This will also be a space where I intend to share more in-depth about a variety of topics that I frequently bounce between; home, photography (hopefully finally a few long-over promised tutorials!!), motherhood, celebrations, and just life in general! So welcome! Settle in and let’s have some fun!

What do you think?